"PRIMUM NON NOCERE" - The challenges of caring for traumatized children
September 29th, 2022 - from 10:00 to 16:30 CET
The European project I.N.T.I.T. (Integrated Trauma Informed Therapy for Children Victims of Violence), co-funded by the European Union, coordinated by the Psychoanalytic Institute for Social Research and supported in Italy by the Department for Juvenile and Community Justice, has looked at how to assure the provision of Integrated Trauma Informed Services for child victims of interpersonal violence and abuse, in each of the partner countries participating in the initiative (Spain, Germany, Estonia, Cyprus). This was done through a set of activities aimed at strengthening the capacity of the professionals working with minors exposed to trauma and violence to operate according to the TIC standards. Furthermore, at the systemic level the aim has been to promote integrated care provision, ensuring collaboration between different agencies (judicial, social, medical) in order to minimize secondary victimization and maximize the efficacy of the therapy and services provided locally.
As a final event, this conference will provide an exchange opportunity between European experts and project partners, with a view to showing the potential of an integrated TIC approach in addressing the needs of vulnerable children and in supporting the capacity of child servicing systems and professionals to sustain the healing and build the resiliency of trauma survivors, based on the results of the INTIT project.
The conference will be held on Video Conferencing ZOOM platform
The event will be recorded.
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